350 yards of outdoor shooting
Get full all-day access to the main range where you can shoot any caliber and full auto weapon that you own.
Range hours 9 am to 5:30 p.m. Must arrive by 4:15 to sign in to be on the firing line by 4:30 for last hour of shooting time.
Knob Creek Range is a family-friendly range. All are welcome, although we do require that those 17 years of age or under be accompanied by a parent or grandparent to shoot. Shooters 18 years old and older may shoot rifles independently and shooters 21 years and older may shoot handguns independently.
Please see the rules for important things you will need to know before shooting on the range.
Daily Range Fee:
Adult* $15/day
12 and under Child $5/day
$10 daily range fee with active or retired Military ID.
Yearly memberships:
Individual $200/year
Family $300/year
Bring your own targets (no glass please) or purchase targets from our store. Costs range from $0.25 to $29.98.
We have 95% of the ammunition made available for purchase at our store.
Some ammunition is unavailable at this time due to the national ammo shortage.
Food & Drink:
We have a snack bar with sodas, candy and chips. Guests are permitted to bring their own food and drinks with the exception of alcohol. No alcohol permitted.

Range hours 9am-5:30pm - Closed Tuesday and Wednesday
Cease fire called every half hour - must be here by 4:15 to shoot