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K.C.R. National Subgun Competition

Cowboy Range

Friday and Saturday at 8:30am

Registration required

Email for a registration form at

Please be at the Subgun Range 30 minutes before your squad for a safety briefing.

The open bolt and closed bolt Subgun Competition will be held at the Subgun Range directly south of the main range. A range briefing will be held at 8:00 a.m. each day, with the competition starting promptly at 8:30 a.m. There will be one or more competitive stages set up for the competition. Calibers allowed are .380 and larger. NO 22’s! You will need at least 100 rds of ammo and several magazine changes are required.




NOTICE: The Subgun Range will be run as a “cold” range. Please see “rules summary” 5.0 for a description. We are squading all shooters as they sign up. Please choose Friday or Saturday AND list times that are convenient for you. Only ONE run per class (open iron/closed iron/open optics/closed optics/unlimited/fun run) per person will be allowed (up to 6 runs per person).


If you have any questions, please call us at the range (502) 922-4457. All entries (including “No-Shows”) are non-refundable and non-transferable.

K.C.R. Shotgun Competition

Pistol Range

Saturday at 8:00am

Registration required

Email for a registration form at

Please be at the Shotgun Range 20 minutes before your squad for a safety briefing.


  1. The weapon must conform to the general configuration of production weapons (as opposed to factory custom shops) with only slight modification to sights, barrel length and trigger weight.

  2. No add on recoil compensator’s.  (porting, such as Magna Port, Keeper or Pro Port , which do not add length to the weapon is acceptable)

  3. No add on devices to enhance reloading.

  4. No optical sights or dot sights.

  5. No flimsy device of any kind unsuitable for the rigors of duty use shall be allowed.

  6. 25 rounds should do the job.


Remember space is limited so sign up in advance to assure your spot in the competition. Only one run per person will be allowed. “No shows” are non-refundable & non-transferable. 


K.C.R. Practical Pistol Competition

Pistol Range

Saturday at 8:00am

Registration required

Email for a registration form at

Please be at the Pistol Range 20 minutes before your squad for a safety briefing.


The lowest cumulative time wins the Competition (total of times for each stage + penalties). Each stage will begin with the tone of the timer and end with the last shot fired. Paper targets must have at least 7 points to be neutralized. A sample target will be available to view at the match.


No caliber smaller than 9mm. A power factor for minor calibers (9mm, 38, and 38 super) is 125. For major calibers (357, 45 acp and up) are 165. To calculate the power factor, multiply bullet weight x velocity and divide by 1000.


No speed holsters allowed. No compensated guns allowed. Holsters and mag pouches must be worn behind the hip. That is usually within 3”of the seams of your pants. No cross draw holsters allowed. No shoulder holsters allowed. All shooters must wear eye and ear protection at all times.


This is a Practical Pistol Competition. Your pistol must be something that you would and could wear concealed. Safety is our first concern. If you handle your weapon in an unsafe manner, you will be D.Q.ed at the discretion of the Range Officer. If you do a 180, that is turn around or point your weapon up range, loaded or unloaded, you will automatically be D.Q.ed! Do not handle your weapon until you are instructed by the Range Officer. The Pistol Competition will be run as a cold range, which is no loaded weapons except on the firing line under the supervision of a R.O. Remember space is limited, only one run per person. “No shows” are non-refundable and non-transferable.



KCR Jungle Walk

Lower range

Friday and Saturday at 9:00am to 7:00pm

$20 w/your gun & ammo 

$40 w/our Uzi & ammo (50 rds)

The Jungle Walk is a sub-caliber (pistol cal. only) sub-machine-gun course, laid out in a wooded area setting next to the creek.  The course is a walking trail.  The shooter negotiates with a loaded sub-machine-gun in hand, with the range-controller following behind.  The brave sub-machine-gunner has 50 rounds of ammo and is looking for 18 metal (enemy) targets.  You have to ration your shots out on Full Auto in order to not run out of ammo and engage each target. 


The Jungle Walk controller does not tell the shooter if they hit the target when they fire (exceptions are the very young, very old or if they ask for help).  No help in sensing targets if the shooter wants to compete. 


Many just want to shoot the Uzi for the first time in an interesting setting, so, therefore, are not competitors.


Targets: We score target hits first.  Then the time it took to go from the start line to the round hitting the last target.  The targets are blended into the wooded surroundings except for four of them.  These four targets are close together and are painted orange.  The shooter is supposed to spray with one continuous burst these four and is scored for area fire.  All 14 other targets are engaged individually and require an actual hit on each one.


Debriefing: When the shooter has finished the course, Their sub-machine-gun is cleared.  They are told how many targets they hit and their time for the course.  They are then escorted back to the starting line where the next shooter is waiting for their try in the vaunted “Jungle Walk”.


Report to range early for squading (preregistration is not available).  The fee is paid at the Jungle Walk on the day you shoot (cash only), no pre-registration available.

Knob Creek Gun Range 690 Ritchey Lane West Point, KY 40177
Phone: 502-922-4457 | Email:

© 2020 Knob Creek Gun Range. All rights reserved.

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