Classes & Events

KCR offers several classes & events each month.
Scroll down to the calendar to see this month's schedule.
Click link on calendar for more detailed information such as items needed and rules.
CCDW Classes
(Concealed Carry Deadly Weapon)
Classes now offered on the 3rd
Saturday of each month.
This 8 hour course will permit you to carry concealed in over 30 states.
Cost $75 per person - 8 hour class

This is a one day class and lasts about 8 hours.
Please pre-register by email at or (502)922-4457.
We suggest that you be here and check-in by 8:30am. Class starts at 9am.
Check-in is at the Gun Store.
The class costs $75 per person.
Items needed for class:
a gun
50 rounds of factory ammo
hearing and eye protection
A jacket or sweatshirt - it can get chilly at times in the room!
Bring a lunch it’s an 8 hour class (snacks and drinks are available for purchase)
These items may be purchased in our gun shop.
Hunter Education Classes
FREE hunter education class series sponsored by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources.
Must be at least 9 years old to participate.
Range Days Only at this time.
Must sign up online prior to
Range Day.
Range Days at Knob Creek

The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources' Hunter Education regulation requires anyone born on or after January 1, 1975 and age 12 or older to have a hunter education course completion card in their possession while hunting, as well as the appropriate Kentucky hunting license.
STUDENT COURSE: This training course includes study in Hunter Ethics, Wildlife Conservation and Identification, Field Care of Game, First Aid, Firearm Safety, Archery and Muzzleloading. The last session of the course will include a written test and a live-fire exercise. All materials including firearms and ammunition are provided at NO CHARGE.
INSTRUCTOR COURSE: This training is required for those interested in teaching or assisting with the Kentucky Hunter Education (HE) Student Course. The HE Student Course (orange card course) is required prior to attending an Instructor Course. All materials including firearms and ammunition are provided at NO CHARGE.
Important: Participants must be at least nine years of age to take the hunter education course.
(Kentuckiana Practical Defense League)
Shooting the 2nd Saturday of the month
at 9:30 a.m. Sign up is between 8:30-9:25

Hand Gun Defense Stages
There are 5 varying stages. The cost is $20 ($10 for KPDL Members)*.
Addition matches
The cost is $10*.
KCR range fee is $15 per day and must be paid when signing in at the range house, unless you are a KCR member.
For more information:
KPDL hotline (502) 233-2363
Joe Sniff, President
Knob Creek Gunfighters Guild
SASS affiliated, cowboy action shooting
Shooting the first Sunday of the month at 10am.
Cost $25 per participant
$20 KCGG members
Spectators are welcome and may be invited to shoot.
Required equipment:
>2 sixgun - single action revolvers, 32 cal or larger
>Lever or pump action rifle in pistol caliber
(rifle must have exposed hammer)
>Double barrel side by side shotgun 12 ga or 20ga #4 or smaller shot (may use pump shotgun w. exposed hammer)
>All guns must use lead only bullets.
Recommended attire: Cowboy hat, cowboy boots, long sleeve shirts and at least blue jeans.
No ball caps or tennis shoes.
For more details contact:
Joc Holiday
(502) 551-8018
*Home of the 2003 SASS KY State Championships*

CCDW class reviews:
I was very engaged and learned so much from the time spent in the classroom and range. I was very prepared for both the written and range test. I can see Cole's love for firearms and safety. I am beyond pleased with the experience and confidence I now have thanks to Cole! Well done." - Shelley
Scheduled on the first Saturday of each month.
Cost $40 per person - 4 hour class
Pre-registration required, send email or call (502)922-4457
Class begins at 8:45 am
No items needed for the class.
Instructor: Ken (502) 551-9723
Pre-register (502) 922-4457
INTRO class reviews:
My two daughters and I went to an Intro to firearms class today. The instructor (Brad) was informative and gave us plenty of time to practice. He spent time with each of us and helped us get more accurate by evaluating our targets. I was also pleasantly surprised that there was a private range for us to practice with no other shooters. It made it a lot easier to practice. We will be back!
Jody 10/20/2024
Project Appleseed Shoot